Saturday, October 2, 2010



Siddhars are saints in India, mostly of the Saivaite denomination in Tamil Nadu, who professed and practiced an unorthodox type of Sadhana, or spiritual practice, to attain liberation. Due to their yogic powers, their deeds---past and present---are much beyond belief. They have also conquered time and are said to be living for more than 3000 years. Also they do miracles like transforming iron to gold, leaving one’s body and entering into another, flying in the air like human airplanes from one place to another and they also control the planetary motions. Miracles against the nature are also one of the distinct activities of these siddhars. They are believed to have taken birth to relieve mankind from ignorance and unite him with the Almighty. Sage Agasthiyar is believed to the forerunner of all the siddhars.

This holy place Chaturagiri is situated in Tamilnadu near Srivilliputtur—Madurai highway at a place called Vathra iruppu. Thaniparai, which is situated 9 kms from here, is the foot of chaturagiri. It is believed that during Ramayana, while hanuman carried Sanjeevi hill for the cure of Lakshmana, a portion of that hill fell down here and this piece is what we see as chaturagiri. Around the temple in this hill, there are four mountains on each side in the form of a square. That is why the name chaturagiri (chaturam means square in Tamil).

Chaturagiri is a holy place where siddhars are believed to live even now. It is believed that going to this place, relieves one of all sorrows and physical ailments and gives peace of mind. Bathing in this hill and having darshan of the three main deities—three forms of lord Shiva—called as Sundaralingam, Mahalingam, Chanthanalingam makes new blood flow in our body.

Chaturagiri is situated in Western Ghats, about 4500 ft above sea level. We started the trekking from Thaniparai and only after about 10 kms of trekking we reach these temples. At the foot of the hill there is a small river. We take a holy dip and worship “Asirvada Vinayagar” and “Karuppaswamy” and start with the trek. The first place to take rest is the “Kudurai Kuthi” where there is a small stream. Proceeding from here we reached “Vazhukku Parai”. As the name suggests it is a very slippery place in a very slanting position. For the convenience of the devotees a chain is installed across the stream for us to hold and cross. There are two caves in this slope—believed to the meditating places of “Pambatti siddhar” and “Kalangi Nathar”. After trekking for a while we reach the place called “Athi oothu”. This oothu (a small stream in tamil) is believed to be coming through the cave where sage “atri” was doing penance. There is athi tree (country fig) with fruits. During the season of these fruits monkeys and bears come here to taste them. Since water is also present, elephants also come here. Devotees are asked to move carefully. Now the steep climbing starts from here. We can see two hairpin bends and some caves. This place is called “kona thalai vasal”. Some devotees have also had the darshan of some siddhars here in these caves. Some of these caves are so chill inside as if they are fitted with air conditioners. Siddhars namely THIRUMOOLAR, AGASTHIAR, BOGAR, KAGABUJANDAR, GORAKKAR are believed to be here even now. 

After climbing for some distance, the next resting place is near the “Gorakkar Guhai”. This Gorakkar guhai is situated 20ft down from the trekking path where there is a cave like gap between the rocks and there is a small stream in front of this cave. This water is so pure, and is believed to give you salvation as told by “Kalangi Natha Siddhar”. We went creeping inside this cave and lighted a lamp there. Came out and did meditation for some time here. The next destination is called “Arisi Parai” where the sand looks like rice (arisi). Trekking from here we reach “Irattai lingam”. Going further we reach an open place called “Pasukkidai” where the shepherds put a fence around their cows and bulls after grazing and keep a watch on them. After crossing this Pasukkidai we reach the boundary of the temple. Here for most of the devotees a dog (believed to be lord Bhairavar) comes and takes them to the temple. Same way when we come back the dog comes and leaves us here. Near this boundary when we go 10 ft down there is a small waterfall which relieves us of all the exertion we had while climbing. We accompanied the dog up the temple called “Pilavadi Karuppar” located beneath two jackfruit trees. The deity is Karuppaswamy holding a sword in his hand. A guide who accompanied us told that the rock in front of this temple is actually the lid of the well of gold produced by the siddhars. This is called “Rasayana Kinaru”.

From here we move towards our main destination of the three temples. First is the “Sundara Mahalingam temple”.  This lingam was originally worshipped by sage Agastiyar. But when he had to leave for Podhigai hills, sage Sundarananda took over the worship from Agasthiyar. So the lingam is called “Sundaralingam”.

Sringeri Swamigal—when he came to Vatra Iruppu on the request of his devotee saw a light from the top of this Chaturagiri hills. Swamiji after enquiring about Mahalingam temple here, decided to trek and he did it with so much of ease followed by his disciples. There he performed his regular pujas in front of Sundaramahalingam. He walked alone up to Chandanamahalingam temple and was seen climbing down the other side of the hill and was seen sitting on a rock and doing meditation by one of the devotee who was asked by the Swamiji to accompany him. The devotee also saw Swamiji talking to some siddhar.
Sringeri Swamigal—our Swamiji was blessed by the siddhar, who is not visible to the eyes of normal people. We are fortunate to have such Mahapurushas amidst us.

Now we proceed further above to see the “Mahalingam”. The story goes like this. One of the demons of lord Shiva “Yaazvalla Thevar” fell in love with the aide of devi Parvathi called “Deivanangai”. Realizing this lord shiva sent them to the boolokam in the form of human beings. Yaaz valla thevar was born as “Pacchaimaal” and Deivanangai was born as “Sadainangai”. Both got married and were living in a place called Kottaiyoor at the foot of this chaturagiri hills. When the time came for Pacchaimaal to return to Kailash after the curse, lord Shiva himself came to this hill in the form of a saint and drank the milk from the cow directly which was intended for the lord’s Abhishekam. When Pacchaimaal noticed this, in a fit of anger he took a wooden stick and gave a blow on his head.

When Sundaranandar came and saw this wounded saint, they saw lord shiva himself on the rishaba. Lord told them that he has come in person to take back his own Yaazvalla thevar with him to Kailash. Then everybody prayed to lord that he stay here and bless all those who come here to which lord agreed and stayed here as “Mahalingam”. Because of the blow from Pacchaimaal, we can see the lingam tilted to about 30 degrees to his left. We can also see the cut on the head of the lingam. We performed abhishekam for the deity and felt blessed.

Devi Parvathi came here and made a lingam beneath a sandalwood tree and did penance to fulfill her wish that she does not want to be separated from lord shiva. This lingam is called the Chandanamahalingam”. There is a sannadhi for Parvathi who resides here in the name of “Aanandavalli Amman”. Adjacent to this there is a cave called “Sattanadar Guhai”.  It is believed that even now this siddhar is doing penance here.

On the southern side, 1km above the Mahalingam temple is the “Thavasi Guhai”. As we reached Mahalingam temple about one mile away from this guhai at about 18.30 hours, some bright stars were seen above this cave, and three bright lights in front of it. It is believed that one who is destined by the lord can only go inside this cave.

We stayed in the annadhana mandapam in the hills. It is known as “kanji madam”. We were given food and shelter for the night. As such there is no electricity above the hills. There is only one generator to give light. Even this is switched off by 19.30hrs. Then it is only dark everywhere. If at all we want we have to use a torch. The climate is always chill and we all went to sleep.
There are no built in bathrooms and toilets above the hills. Next day morning after having a wash we went to the temple again and started climbing down. As refreshments we get only “sukku coffee” and dosai. It took 4 and a half  hours for us to climb down. As I told earlier the dog came again to leave us till the Pilavadi Karuppar temple
It is believed that there are hundreds of such caves in Chaturagiri. We could see only a portion of if. It is not advisable for human beings to go beyond this place. It is believed that siddhars meet together every now and then for the welfare of humanity. Siddhars are believed to take any form. So, devotees are instructed that they don’t harm any living being there. Siddhars can take the form of ant, serpent or even bear and come there. So it is requested not to spoil the ecology of this hill. Without knowing the exact route, without a guide and without proper information about the sanctity of the place, trekking to Chaturagiri is not advisable. It is our duty to thank god and the siddhars there, once we get down the hill. So many untold mysteries prevail about Chaturagiri, what we know is only a drop of the ocean. So many miracles have happened in Chaturagiri.

Navrathri is celebrated here with pomp and splendour for 9 days. The native women of the forest come here to perform dance and do puja during these days. During this period lot of devotees from in and around the area visit this place. Similarly, devotees come here during amavasai and pournami.

There are so many herbs in this hill, which are so useful to mankind. This hill comes under the forest department. The MAIN point to be had in mind before planning a trip to Chaturagiri is one should go only with the sole intention of having darshan of the lord. Any bad intentions otherwise would be PUNISHED then and there suitably. This is not a story but many have experienced it. Devotees who go with a calm mind and take lord’s name definitely have the fruit of it.

There are coolies on this hill, who offer to help us to carry our heavy luggage in return for money. Doli facility is also available but only with prior information. Information to be given to the following persons:
Attiriman—93677 62803; Orusol—97893 08182; Kootamalai—97864 89483
Ramesh—97869 22926.

For further information contact:
Kasiviswanathan—virudhunagar--Mobile no: 94431 79891.

All the information given above is written only with the blessings of the siddhars who are living even now. Nothing is written on our own.


1 comment:

  1. மிகவும் ஆனந்தமாக எனது குருநாதரின் ஆசியுடன் தங்களின் பதிவுகளை, இன்று கிடைத்தருளியதற்கு கோடானுகோடி நமஸ்காரங்கள். சதுரகிரியில் 2007ம் ஆண்டு மாசி மாதம் கிரகணத்துடன் கூடிய முழுமதி நாளில், அவர் அடியேனுக்கு காட்சி கொடுத்ததை பின்வரும் காலங்களில் அவரின் ஆசியுடன் விளக்குகிறேன். தங்களிடம் ஒரு தாழ்மையான வேண்டுகோள் - பல அன்பர்கள் சமீப காலமாக மகாலிங்கத்தை காண்பதற்காக, பல சுமைகளை சுமந்துகொண்டு சதுரகிரி மலையேறுவதை கண்டிருக்கிறேன். அவர்களின் சுமைகளை முடிந்த அளவு குறைப்பதற்காக, அடிவாரமாம் தாணிப்பாறையிலிருந்து சுமார் 2கிமீ தொலைவில் (வத்திராயிருப்பு - தாணிப்பாறை மெயின் ரோட்டில், மகாராஜபுரம் ரோட்டிற்கு எதிரில்), கடந்த 25வருடங்களுக்கும் மேலாக, பிரதோஷம் முதல் பெளர்ணமி நாள் வரை, சந்தான மகாலிங்கத்திற்கு அருகில் இருக்கும் அன்னதான கூடத்தில், அன்னதானம் செய்துவரும், இடுப்பில் மஞ்சள் துண்டை மட்டும் உடுத்தியவருமான, திரு. சிவசங்கு ஐயா அவர்களின் முதியோர் காப்பகத்தில், குளியல் மட்டும் பாத்ரூம் வசதி இலவசமாக செய்துள்ளார். வியாபார நோக்கமில்லாமல், இலவச சேவையானதால், பக்தர்கள் இந்த வசதியினை பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுமாறு தாழ்மையுடன் கேட்டுக்கொள்ளப்படுகிறார்கள். வருவதற்கு ஒரு சில நாட்களுக்குமுன் 9443324583/ 9444492998 என்ற எண்ணிற்கு தெரியவடுத்துவது நலம் தரும். சதுரகிரி செல்ல முடியுமா என்று ஏங்குபவர்கள், ஒருமுறை முதியோர் காப்பகத்திற்கு வந்து, அங்கு எழுந்தருளியுள்ள லோபாமுத்திரையுடன் கூடிய குருமுனி மற்றும் மகாபிரத்தியங்கராதேவியை மனதார பிரார்த்தித்து, மலையேற அதிசயத்தை கண்டிப்பாக காண முடியும். நன்றியுடன் - சிவஹரிஹரன்.
